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The Report That Helps You Burn Fat Faster!

Carb Threshold Report

The Report That Helps You Burn Fat Faster!

The Carb Threshold Report gives you your Carb Threshold Score, which identifies if you have insulin resistance, and whether your body primarily burns fat or carbs for fuel. The Carb Threshold Report shows you how to improve your metabolic health and burn fat faster without avoiding carbs.

This report provides you with an overview that shows you how to:


  • Lose weight without avoiding carbs

  • ​Control sugar and sweet cravings

  • ​Increase energy and stamina

  • ​Optimize fat burning

  • ​Reset your metabolism

  • ​Reverse insulin resistance

  • ​Improve your gut health

  • ​Reduce inflammation

  • ​Remove skin tags naturally

  • ​Support healthy blood glucose metabolism


Did you know that the number one predictor on whether you are likely to gain weight, is knowing what your Carb Threshold Score is? Knowing and understanding your personalized Carb Threshold Score positions you with a scientifically proven plan to avoid weight gain and lose weight without avoiding carbs or counting calories. Even better, it's all explained in our one of a kind personalized Carb Threshold Report!


To establish your current Carb Threshold Score, we utilize a select biometric and health risk assessment, as well as a proprietary formula to identify possible insulin resistance, and determine if you are primarily a fat or carb burner. With this information, we can provide a personal meal plan to shift your body into fat burning mode.

Our Carb Threshold Report is the world’s first analysis to accurately measure your Carb Threshold Score and provide you with a personalized plan to lose weight, reverse insulin resistance, and increase your energy without overly restrictive dieting and endless hours of exercise.


Our bodies are always burning both carbs and fat; however, our body primarily burns one over the other for fuel. And it matters, especially if you want to lose weight.


If your body primarily burns fat, you’re a fat burner and that’s a good thing. But when your body primarily burns carbs, you’re a carb burner and there are three facts that you want to know:


  1. Carb burners have difficulty losing weight (body fat).

  2. Carb burners crave carbs that include sweets, bread and salty foods.

  3. Carb burners burn fewer calories throughout the day when compared to fat burners.


Your Carb Threshold Score tells you:

  • If you’re a Carb Burner or Fat Burner.

  • How to improve any and all metabolic healths (e.g., blood pressure, triglycerides, fasting glucose, cholesterol, waist circumference, body fat percentage, Hemoglobin A1C).

  • The nutrition guidelines that includes what ingredients and food to avoid and how to eat to shift your body into being a fat burner.

  • What Insulin Resistance is and how you can reverse it. When you understand Insulin Resistance, it’s not only possible but easier to lose weight, improve gut health, and reduce inflammation.


With your Carb Threshold Report you get a consultation with a Certified Nutritionist that is trained to teach the Diet Free Life methodology. This coach will explain your results, and you’ll have unlimited access to an online presentation that explains the details of your Carb Threshold Score and how to improve it.



  • Receive evidence-based and clinically proven nutrition education: Learn how to successfully coach clients with the Diet Free Life methodology for weight loss and improved overall health (i.e., optimizing gut microbiome, reversing type 2 diabetes, and improving blood pressure, body fat percentage, cholesterol, and triglycerides).

  • Ongoing mentorship and support: ​While being mentored by Robert Ferguson and his team, you will learn how to launch and scale your business as a Certified Nutritionist, Health and Weight Loss Coach and become a credible health advocate in your local community and abroad.

  • Ability to study at your own pace from anywhere in the world: Gain knowledge about the roles of micronutrients, macronutrients, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, blood sugar, digestion, and fitness for fat loss and improvement of overall health.

  • Understand the psychology of coaching others to healthier habits: Discover strategies to create behavioral changes and lasting results for your clients.

  • Be part of a team that is dedicated to the progressive advancement of nutrition and weight loss sciences: Furthermore, be inspired to get healthier and happier for your career and your clients.

  • Branding and business building: Learn a proven business and marketing system that will save you time and money.

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